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Vol. 15 No. 3 (2023)
Vol. 15 No. 3 (2023)
Training managers in self-monitoring of the entity's internal control system
Mayda Julia Perdomo Sánchez, Oliverio González Sánchez, Maura García Febles
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Energy and gender: experiences of the project Renewable Sources of Local Energy in the communities of Los Alazanes and Yaguá in Sancti Spíritus
Dianela Álvarez Cañizarez, Rosabell Pérez Gutiérrez, Ivania García Viamontes
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The virtual distance professional development of the teacher of academic training.Theoretical conception
Tamara Hernández Manso, Lissette Jiménez Sánchez
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Historical study of the creativity of the actors in the teaching-learning process of Plastic Education.
Dainier Avila Ramírez, Manuel Sánchez Rojas, José Ignacio Reyes González
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Working with social networks in the 1st year of the Spanish-Literature course.Didactic orientations
Mayté González Cruz, Mayde González Cruz
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La formación laboral agrícola en escolares de quinto grado de la escuela primaria Nguyen Van Troi
Marisol Vera Cruz, Leyanis Conde López, Leonardo Bonachea Brito
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Activities for the insertion of contents on the first military occupation in Port-au-Prince (1898-1902) in the subject History of Cuba
Fernando Miguel Manzo Alonso, Alodio Mena Campos, Lorena Martha Aragó Guerra
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Application of the Cultural Monograph of the Municipality of Baraguá in the program of the subject History of Cuba.
Juan Carlos Rodríguez González, Yovany Cruz Pérez, Gelsy Alfonso Rodríguez
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Childhood obesity as a consequence of Covid-19. A look from the teaching-learning process of Physical Education
Yubber Alexander Cedeño
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Experiences of interpretation and heritage education in the training of sociocultural managers
Guillermo Alfredo Jiménez Pérez, Ana Gloria Peñate Villasante, Lissette Jiménez Sánchez
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Multimedia to enhance baseball knowledge in elementary school children in Baracoa.
Francisco Abraham Sanamé Matos, Reidel Crespo Matos, Alexei Acosta Legrá
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Anthropometric characteristics of flat feet in school children with endomorphic somatotype in Las Tunas.
Tahimí Nápoles Macías, Mayelin Aballe Campos, Yolayne Rodríguez Falcón
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Influence of local literature on vocational training.
Elizeth Lafita Vázquez, Maricarmen Gómez Villafaña, José Emilio Hernández Sánchez
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Cultural mediations in development from student research in a career with a sociocultural profile
Nayibis Díaz Machado, Indira Samper Sanabria, Marielys Moore Pedroso
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The challenge of comprehensive sexuality education for adolescents and young people
Lucía Rafael Martínez, Lianne Mosqueda Padrón
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The Legal Education of the Accountant from the Accounting Discipline and its links with science, technology and society.
Odiza Leyva Santiesteban, Belisario Cedeño García, Danilo Quiñones Reyna
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Social development planning in the municipality.A tool for decision making
Felix Esteban Jimenez Figueredo, Rafael Torres Rosales, Ana de Dios Martínez
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Manatí in images: Sociocultural project for the promotion of the photographic collection of the Jesús Suárez Gayol Municipal Museum. Results achieved
Ana del Carmen Cañete González
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Physics and its application in Orthodontics
Yadira Socarrás Laguna, Yusnier López Rodríguez
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History, culture and politics: a perspective for the analysis of racial discrimination in the Cuban context
Sarais Díaz Pérez, Clara de los Ángeles Guzmán Góngora
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Applied neuroscience in the initial training of primary school teachers.
Alexis Guevara Rojas, Osaida Torres Góngora, Dailyn Rojas Domínguez
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Gender and violence from the urban context. An innovative view. Puerto Padre, Las Tunas
Yahanara Navarro Arias
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Executive functions in adults diagnosed with recurrent depressive disorder in the city of Camagüey.
Osvaldo Miranda Borges, Maricela Alfonseca Guerra, Ariadna Gabriela Matos Matos
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The training of agricultural professionals for innovation from the university-enterprise relationship.
Mamna Victoria Daley Poyato, Ángela Lilia Rodríguez Maden, Eliberto Domínguez Zaldivar
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XXI Century University and organizational culture of the Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences, University of Las Tunas.
Maria de los Angeles Pérez Pérez, Alain Rodríguez Cordero, Alejandro del Cristo Rodríguez Morell
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Marti's ideology: a suitable way for the integral preparation of students
Mayde González Cruz, Mayté González Cruz
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Traditional festivals in China and Spain from a cross-cultural perspective
Enti Song, Yingbo Dong
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Theoretical-methodological foundations for the study of the pedagogical work of Hortensia Pichardo Viñals.
Lizett Ponce de León Martínez, Patricia Olga Rodríguez Lemane, Niurka Palmarola Gómez
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The socio-cultural dimension in the educational work of the Residence Hall of the University of Las Tunas.
Yainerys Peña Leyva, Yailén Ávila Rodríguez
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Business marketing intelligence system
Yaima Fandiño Pérez, Luis Carlos Fernández Cobas
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