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Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)
Vol. 13 No. 1 (2021)
Training for development: Theoretical aspects and an approach to Mexico
Oshiel Martinez Chapa
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The didactic-methodological improvement of the teacher for teamwork in the university context
Lesly Guerra Suárez, Evelio Machado Ramírez, Arnaldo Espíndola Artola
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Methodology for the treatment of the geographic space content in the Bachelor in Geography Education
Danis Figueredo Espinosa, José Ignacio Reyes González, Guillermo Houari Mesa Briñas
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Methodology for the elaboration of inferences in the understanding of word problems
Karel Pérez Ariza
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Smart advertising system with Raspberry PI3, Android application and free hardware
Mónica María Miranda-Ramos, Lenín Joel Chaglia-Zambrano, Johann Vásquez-Raza
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Pedagogical strategy to develop pedagogical work training in the career Bachelor of Primary Education
Edilson Díaz Ramos, Martha Elías Morales, Arianna Arias Ramírez
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Methodological conception of the Integrating Main Discipline, in the study plan E in the Marxism-Leninism-History course
Lourdes Díaz González, José Amado Díaz Martínez, Maité Rodríguez Barrios
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Cognitive strategy to prevent Ddos attacks on web servers
Maidel de la Rosa Téllez, Mirelis Alcina Reyes, Ariel Céspedez Pérez
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Study habits and academic performance in Business Administration students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Santo Domingo campus
Cristian Germán Hernández Ordoñez, Joshua Hurtado Hurtado
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The influence of Fidel Castro's thought in the educational imprint of the Luis Urquiza Jorge pre-university
Norge Manuel Peña Hernández
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Methodology to favor the formation of the economic information processing competence in students of the Accounting specialty
Dayamis Riverón Cabrera, Yamilka Sosa Oliva, Jorge García Ruiz
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Occupational risk in the production workshops of the company Acinox-Tunas. An analysis from the sociology of work
Arais Isabel Pompa González, Yoandrys Cobas Duvergel
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Interdisciplinary tasks. An alternative to improve the quality of Electronics and Telecommunications engineering education
Leonardo Suceta Zulueta, Delia de la Caridad Casanovas Duran, Yenicet Chibas Tito
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Scientific validation of a system of didactic activities based on a virtual classroom to develop phonological competence in French
Enmanuel González Pérez, Lydia Rosa Ríos Rodríguez, Yennys Hernández Ulloa
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Characterization of surgical mortality in the general surgery service of the Dr. Ernesto Guevara de la Serna hospital. Year 2019-2020
Igor Almanza Pérez, Idemaro Mailon Tamayo Mir, Rodolfo Hidalgo Hechavarria
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Agronomic evaluation of four tomato (Solanum licopersicum L) cultivars in productive areas of Jobabo municipality in Las Tunas.
Ariel Juan Escobar López
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Gunshot wound to abdomen at Luanda General Hospital, Angola
Jaime Landell Cruz, Karina De Los Milagros Landell Suarez, Yudelys Villamil Hernández
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La educación jurídica en los adolescentes. Una propuesta teórica y metodológica para favorecerla en la Educación Secundaria Básica
Reynier Pupo Parra, Juana López Toranzo, Yoenia Olivia Infante Cabrera
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Recent history and its relation to the didactics of integral social history.
Elisa Pérez Escobar, Roberto Fernández Naranjo
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Values in HIV/AIDS prevention in the 21st century. Challenges of communication and education
Alonso Leyva Pérez, Yadira María Hernández Díaz, Yadira Yudmila Vega Hernández
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Didactic principle for the History of Cuba in the multigrade elementary school.
Ada Iris Nápoles Cruz, José Ignacio Reyes González
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Prophylaxis of pulmonary thromboembolism in general surgery patients of the "Ernesto Guevara de la Serna" Hospital, Las Tunas
Mayelin Suárez Tristá, Yeisy Rodríguez Campos, Maikel Manuel Leyva González
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Urban resilience, land-use planning and environmental protection in Cuba: a legal perspective
Ana Rosa Aguilera Rodríguez
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Treatment and preservation of drinking water in the rational management of water resources in the Angolan university context.
Anselmo Macário Canganjo Lunguana, Alceu Filipe Savilolo Josias, Alexey Silva Trujillo
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Strategy for the educational inclusion of students with intellectual disabilities in primary education
Elia Oliveisy Avila Garcés, Jixy Martínez Galeano
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Indicators for evaluating the environmental training of social communicators
María Isabel Sosa Cervantes, Rolando Borrero Rivero
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Cultural research: content of the permanent training of professionals from cultural institutions
Vicente Amado Robles Tomacén, Roberto Pérez Almaguer, Rafael Lodezma Tamayo Caballero
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Communication and right to the city
Alejandro del Cristo Rodríguez Morell, Maria de los Angeles Pérez Pérez, Iliana Morales Almaguer
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The formation of the value of pedagogical dignity in students of pedagogical careers.
Martha María Labrada Ramírez, Mayra Acebo Rivera, Roberto Fernández Naranjo
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States of emergency and human rights. A critical look during the Covid pandemic in Ecuador
Katty Estefanía Del Rosario Cárdenas, Juan José Andrade Granda, Armando Rogelio Durán Ocampo
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