Dialectical relationship between metacognition and autonomy in the learning of teachers in Foreign Language training
metacognition, autonomy, teachers training, Foreign Languages teaching-learningAbstract
The development of autonomy has great significance for the Foreign Languages teaching-learning process of the teacher training. Hence, this article guides the search for a solution to the shortcomings that arise in the development of the autonomy of teachers training of the specialty referred, as well as the mechanisms they must activate to achieve effectiveness in the foreign languages teaching-learning process. To achieve this goal it establishes its relationship with metacognition based on the theoretical conceptualization of both. In this regard it was necessary the use of methods such as the analysis and critical of sources, to determine the potentialities and limitations of the theories that support them. In this sense, it is essential to know the processes that generate both the intellectual effort and the integral development of the teachers training, in the Foreign Languages teaching-learning process.