The use of information and communication tecnologies in the english language learning at Las Tunas University


  • Misdel Yorca Nieves MSc. Auxiliary Teacher. Language Center. University of Las Tunas. Cuba
  • Yamilka González Batista MSc. Auxiliary Teacher. Language Center. University of Las Tunas. Cuba
  • Galia Teresa Garcés Linares MSc. Auxiliary Professor. Department of History - Marxism. University of Las Tunas. Cuba


English language, Information and Communication Technologies, teaching-learning, professor’s training


Information and Communication Technologies have had a great impact in the English language learning at Languages Center from Las Tunas University, to give answer to the students necessities in the achievement of the communicative competence. However, we have faced with challenges non-contemplated inside this objective: there is an immensity of resources (printed, audio, video, multimedia, etc.), and the users ignore the form of using them. It is identified the necessity to develop skills for the use in efficient way of this group of techniques for learning. The objective of this academic paper is centered in the professors training at Languages Center in the use of Information and Communication Technologies to offer the didactic possibilities in the acquisition of the English language having as premise current demands.


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How to Cite

Yorca Nieves, M., González Batista, Y., & Garcés Linares, G. T. (2019). The use of information and communication tecnologies in the english language learning at Las Tunas University. Opuntia Brava, 11(Especial 1), 282–291. Retrieved from




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