The environmental formation of students of the Bachelor's Degree in Education. Marxism Leninism and History from the discipline of Universal History
History, Universal History, environment, environmental education, environmental trainingAbstract
The article deals with how to favor the environmental formation of the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Education. Marxism Leninism and History, from the discipline of Universal History, which includes in a chronological sense the evolution of human society from the emergence of man to the present; in Africa, Asia and Europe, has objectives focused on the achievement of solidarity and the commitment to build a better future for all and contribute to environmental education. The teaching-learning process of the subjects that make up the aforementioned discipline, allows knowing the most significant processes, phenomena and historical events of the different aspects of human activity, in the economic, social and cultural fields, as well as the consequences that these have had on the environment, and how the situation of this can condition the historical facts. The work offers some fundamentals of environmental education, emanating from the materialistic conception of history, the normative documents of environmental policy and research; it exemplifies with some activities carried out by the students. The results influence in a better preparation to contribute to the environmental education of the students of the educational levels where they will practice the profession.
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