Geographic information systems applicable to the survey



Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Analysis, Spatial Information


The geographic information system is the set of tools that integrate and relate different components, among which we find software, hardware, processes and users. These components of the GIS system allows you to perform a large number of tasks, i.e. organizing, storing, manipulating, analyzing or even modeling a large amount of data that transforms into useful information about the real world. Geographic Information Systems are one of the most dynamic and novel fields of application of Computer Science, with an undoubted effect on society. This article examines its origins and current state, with special emphasis on the Spanish situation. The development of the research required the use of different methods and techniques of research: theoretical: logical, analysis and synthesis, induction–deduction and modeling; as well as empirical, with the help of techniques such as observation and analysis


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Author Biography

David Mayorga Arias, Professor at the Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador.


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Pauta Ríos, R., Mayorga Arias, D., y Castro Macías, E. (2019). Uso de sistemas de información geográfica sig para la elaboración de planos de fincas agrícolas. Opuntia Brava, 11(1), pp. 217-223.

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How to Cite

Mayorga Arias, D., Pazos Roldan, M. V. H., & Uvidia Vélez, M. V. (2019). Geographic information systems applicable to the survey. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 370–374. Retrieved from




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