Solar energy and social networks. Perspective of analysis of environmental problems



renewable energy, solar energy, social networks, environmental issues.


Society is currently immersed in the development of the so-called fourth great technological revolution in human history: electronic media and digitalization. This new code connotes a different way of representing information, which impacts on an increasing number of people as the years go by and new alternatives emerge in this sense. The tools and skills developed from this perspective of interaction contribute to the development of science and technology worldwide. Within this framework, the Internet social networks stand out and maintain a popularity that can be used for work in terms of social welfare. In this order of ideas, it is pertinent to refer to the treatment from this context, to renewable energy sources, the main topic to be dealt with in this article. The Cuban case is taken as a reference, which is not exempt from the international context where the rise in fossil fuel prices and environmental pollution threaten human development. For this reason, the deep and systematic work carried out from all digital platforms, including Internet social networks, guarantees the generation and consumption of alternative (renewable) energy sources. The present work is based on non-negligible data on the use of these networks in Cuba and their impact on the generation of content and interaction on renewable energies, an important alternative to environmental problems.


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How to Cite

Peña Martínez, M., Hernández Téllez, Y., & Lazo Sánchez, Y. (2021). Solar energy and social networks. Perspective of analysis of environmental problems. Opuntia Brava, 13(3), 104–113. Retrieved from




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