Strategies of analysis in literary discourse


  • Ligia Magdalena Sales Garrido Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Full Professor. Consultant Professor. Full Researcher. President of the Spanish Literature Superior Teaching Categories Court. Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.


literary analysis, learning strategies, literary discourse


The article exposes as learning strategies the analysis of literary discourse according to the cognitive, communicative and socio-cultural approach that integrates the semantic, syntactic and pragmatic dimensions in combination with the functional discursive and other or other methods of analysis. In the case of this work, with the analysis of the planes, of composition, thematic and linguistic.


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How to Cite

Sales Garrido, L. M. (2020). Strategies of analysis in literary discourse. Opuntia Brava, 12(4), 193–200. Retrieved from




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