Labor training in Cuban education: contexts and priorities


  • Prudencio Alberto Leyva Figueredo Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Director of the Center for Labor Training Studies. Coordinator of the Pedagogy Program University of Holguin, Cuba.
  • Laura Leticia Mendoza Tauler Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Director of the Center for Studies in Educational Sciences, University of Holguin, Cuba.


Development of work qualities of personality, teaching procedures, Job Training.


A theoretical and / or methodological proposal that distinguishes the work of Cuban education related to job training and its education for life is presented. It develops in its various modalities with a view to forming a full consciousness of producers in children, adolescents, youth and adults to live in a society of workers. A system of experiential activities is proposed that should be taken into consideration in the educational work of the school, the family and the community to offer a quality education, associated with the development of work qualities of the personality that, as a whole, allow giving directionality to the performance of students to get involved in solving life's problems. The general conception of job training for the Cuban educational system, the teaching procedures for the validation and follow-up of the job training process will be reflected and examples of the study will be provided from the school projects based on cohesive actions between the university- School, business, family and community. Practical requirements are offered to determine with scientific methods the problems, barriers, potentials and priorities that should be considered to develop job training from the intra and intersubjective of personality development. The main results of the research were accepted by the scientific and pedagogical community, which has valued them from their presentation at various events. The research is inserted in a research project associated with a national program.


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Author Biography

Prudencio Alberto Leyva Figueredo, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Director of the Center for Labor Training Studies. Coordinator of the Pedagogy Program University of Holguin, Cuba.


Alarcón, M. and Gómez, A. (2006). Job training as a quality of personality. In Memoirs of the event II National Workshop on Labor Training. Higher Pedagogical Institute "José de la Luz y Caballero". Holguin

Leyva, P. A. and Mendoza, L. L. (2005). Theoretical concepts about job training. LIGHT, (2), 73-85. Recovered from

Leyva, A. and Mendoza, L. (2011). Notes and reflections for the teacher's pedagogical work: part III. Approach to the theoretical foundations of job training.

Rubinstein, S. L. (1969). Principles of General Psychology. Havana: Cuban Book Institute. Fourth reprint



How to Cite

Leyva Figueredo, P. A., & Mendoza Tauler, L. L. (2019). Labor training in Cuban education: contexts and priorities. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 1–13. Retrieved from




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