Socialization of good practices on Tarea Vida from the editorial management. An experience at the University of Las Tunas


  • Osmany Nieves Torres Master's Degree in New Technologies in the Service of Education.Degree in Mathematics-Computer Science.Assistant Professor.Lecturer in Computer Science. Academic Director of the University Academic Publishing House (Edacun). University of Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • Miriam Gladys Vega Marín Master's Degree in Community Cultural Development. Bachelor of Arts. Assistant Professor. Teacher in the Social Communication career. Academic Director of the electronic magazine Opuntia Brava. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • Elsa del Carmen Gutierrez Báez Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences. Master in Educational Informatics. Degree in Mathematics-Physics and Computer Science. Full Professor. Professor of Mathematics. Webmaster of the electronic magazine Opuntia Brava. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.


socialization, good practices, Tarea Vida, Las Tunas, university community


The purpose of this article is to present the results of how good practices on Tarea Vida are socialized from the editorial management at the University of Las Tunas. For this purpose, scientific research methods and techniques such as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, document review are used, since they allow accessing the information required by the study and processing it according to the objective pursued. As general results, it is obtained a wide volume of information that can be considered as good practices in the matter of Tarea Vida, from researches of diverse nature developed in the University of Las Tunas; the classification of these good practices according to the strategic axes that govern the labor policy of the country; the creation of a data base in which these good practices were located and their socialization in the university community and the territorial community of organisms and institutions associated to the subject. It constitutes a tool that allows greater and better access to the diversity of quality results obtained in the territory for the sake of its implementation to improve the negative impact of climate change in Las Tunas.


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Borrero, R. (2021). Ficha Técnica del Proyecto Gestión del conocimiento y socialización de buenas prácticas de la Tarea VIDA en Las Tunas (TUNASVIDA-CC). Material en soporte digital.

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Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (Citma, 2014). Plan de Estado Tarea Vida. Recuperado de

Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) (s.f.). Cómo captar e intercambiar buenas prácticas para generar cambios. Recuperado de



How to Cite

Nieves Torres, O., Vega Marín, M. G., & Gutierrez Báez, E. del C. (2023). Socialization of good practices on Tarea Vida from the editorial management. An experience at the University of Las Tunas. Opuntia Brava, 15(Especial), 338–346. Retrieved from

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