Solid waste in the manufacture of useful articles from the subject of Labor Education.



technologies, solid waste, environment


Every day, a lot of solid waste is discarded, which causes bad odor, dirt and pollutes the environment. Reducing, recycling and reusing is a necessity, as well as taking advantage of the possibilities offered by the teaching-learning process to transform the students' ways of acting, to develop in them norms of conduct that will allow them to have a correct behavior when collecting solid waste and a conscience of responsibility before the deterioration of the environment. By applying different instruments such as interview, survey, observations to the different contexts, it was detected that there is a need to work with seventh grade students in the collection of solid waste and to use them in the construction of socially useful articles. The proposal to achieve this purpose was a Web site with updated information, photos of articles made with solid waste and images.


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How to Cite

Macias Tamayo, M., López Toranzo, J., & Ramos Herrera, Y. (2023). Solid waste in the manufacture of useful articles from the subject of Labor Education. Opuntia Brava, 15(Especial), 97–106. Retrieved from

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