Methodological strategy for the teaching-learning of mathematical concepts in computer engineering major



methodological strategy, mathematical concepts, computer engineers, and subjectivity.


Comprehensive training of Computer engineers is a current need. Therefore, the study of the teaching learning process of these professionals, and specially of mathematical concepts is essential to the society´s development. This motivated the aim of this research: to develop a methodological strategy for the teaching learning process of mathematical concepts for the training of Computer engineers. In this article, the term methodological strategy was defined from the perspective of the Theory of Subjectivity as a current aspect of the Cultural Historical Approach, what allowed the authors to take a position on its structure and characterize its stages and actions. A proposal of methodological strategy was also developed from the assumed theory. The proposed strategy contributed to transformation of the educational reality.


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How to Cite

Bueno Hernández, R. J., & González Hernández, W. (2023). Methodological strategy for the teaching-learning of mathematical concepts in computer engineering major. Opuntia Brava, 15(1), 318–331. Retrieved from


