Diagnosis of assertive communication in high performance ball sports coaches. An experience in Las Tunas


  • Marvin Miguel Téllez Garrido Master in Pedagogy of Physical Culture and Sport. Bachelor's Degree in Physical Culture. Assistant Professor. Department of Physical Education. University of Las Tunas. Cuba. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7564-1257
  • Miriam Gladys Vega Marín Master's Degree in Community Cultural Development. Bachelor of Arts. Assistant Professor. Academic Director of the electronic magazine Opuntia Brava. University of Las Tunas. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3334-7452
  • Misael Guisao Téllez Degree in Physical Culture. Instructor Professor. Department of Physical Education. University of Las Tunas. Cuba. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8446-1899


assertive communication, sports training, ball sports, athletes, coaches.


Communication is a decisive aspect in the preparation of the sports professional, whose mission is to educate the new generations in an integral way, not only in the sports field. As part of the main author's master's degree research, a diagnosis of assertive communication in high performance coaches of ball sports of the Eide "Carlos Leyva" of Las Tunas was carried out. The objective of this article is to show an analysis of the results of this diagnosis in order to know the behavior of this phenomenon in sports practice and to motivate the reflections that it deserves, in order to improve the work in question. Theoretical and empirical methods and techniques were applied to obtain information such as: group interview, survey, participant observation, document review, analysis-synthesis. The results show that there are still vestiges of traditional teaching in high performance, mainly based on the role of the teacher as the main activity leader; there is limited open and dialogical communication between coach-athlete and athlete-coach, as well as reduced potential of student-student communication as an effective way for their learning. As a first step towards excellence, it is necessary to emphasize the active-creative role of the athlete in his training and formation in general.


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How to Cite

Téllez Garrido, M. M., Vega Marín, M. G., & Guisao Téllez, M. (2022). Diagnosis of assertive communication in high performance ball sports coaches. An experience in Las Tunas. Opuntia Brava, 14(3), 359–371. Retrieved from https://opuntiabrava.ult.edu.cu/index.php/opuntiabrava/article/view/1638




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