Methodology of health promotion from the operation of the School Council


  • Niurka Pérez Quezada Bachelor in Education, Specialty in Special Education, Master in Educational Sciences. Assistant Professor at the University Center, Municipality of Colombia, Las Tunas.
  • Lucía Rafael Martínez Degree in Pedagogy-Psychology, PhD in Pedagogical Sciences. Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages. University of Las Tunas.
  • Ermis González Pérez Degree in Education, Specialty in Physics-Electronics, Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the University Center, Municipality of Colombia, Las Tunas.


methodology; School Council; Health promotion; Primary Education.


The article deals with the issue of health promotion, which is highly relevant in view of the complex epidemiological situation faced by the country, as it provides the means to improve health and exercise greater control over it. For this reason, a methodology is presented, aimed at contributing to health promotion in Primary Education based on the functioning of the School Council. It highlights the relationships established between the different educational agents and agencies of the school to promote the health of primary school children, through the integrated and active action of the family and the community in the life of the school institution. The methodology also highlights the stages of the School Council's operation, as well as the spaces, processes and contexts of educational integration and the ways to be used for health promotion in Primary Education.


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How to Cite

Pérez Quezada, N., Rafael Martínez, L., & González Pérez, E. (2021). Methodology of health promotion from the operation of the School Council. Opuntia Brava, 13(4), 340–350. Retrieved from


