The communicative competence in professionals of different levels of education in the Holguín province


  • Yannia Torres Pérez Master's Degree in Educational Sciences. Degree in Psychology. Assistant Professor. Responsible for the Educational Guidance Office at the University of Holguin. Department of Pedagogy Psychology. University of Holguin. Cuba.
  • Yudith Santos Ordóñez Master's Degree in Educational Sciences. Degree in Defectology. Assistant Professor. Member of the Educational Guidance Office at the University of Holguin. Department of Pedagogy Psychology. University of Holguin. Cuba.
  • Mayda Cárdenas Tauler Master of Science in Higher Education. Degree in Pedagogy-Psychology. Assistant Professor. Member of the Educational Guidance Office at the University of Holguin. Vice-president of the Gender, Family and Society Chair. Department of Pedagogy-Psychology. University of Holguin. Cuba.


communicative competence, educational professionals, teaching levels.


The educational process requires an increasingly competent professional tempered by the communication demands that their professional work demands. The article presented presents the results of an investigation carried out on the communicative competence in educators, as part of the project "The psycho-pedagogical training of professionals for social development" of the University of Holguin. It starts from the analysis of the theoretical references that support the theme through the influence of pedagogical, psychological and sociological sciences to achieve a holistic integrative vision on the current approaches that constituted a guide when carrying out a diagnostic study of the communicative competence of the professionals of different education subsystems in the Holguin province. For this purpose, empirical research methods such as observation and survey of 220 educators were used. The results revealed the strengths the level of development reached by the respondents in the communicative competence according to the educational context in which they work and the indicators used.


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How to Cite

Torres Pérez, Y., Santos Ordóñez, Y., & Cárdenas Tauler, M. (2021). The communicative competence in professionals of different levels of education in the Holguín province. Opuntia Brava, 13(2), 130–144. Retrieved from




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