Family mental health management, basic knowledge of the General Comprehensive Medicine specialist in training.
competencies, counseling, training, family mental healthAbstract
For the family health program, it is of great importance to contemplate the mental health of the basic cell, essential for the development of its members from the biopsychosocial conception, with a competence approach. A descriptive study was carried out, with the objective of determining the knowledge on the management of family mental health in General Comprehensive Medicine Specialists in training, in the period February 2021-2023, Minas-Camagüey-Cuba. From the universe of 40 specialists in training, a sample of 35 was selected by means of intentional sampling and eight of ten professors. A survey was applied to them after informed consent, and the data were processed by means of absolute and relative frequencies. Among the main results are that most of the specialists in training do not know the methodology of the integral visit to the family, as well as its dispensarization, which indicates the need to increase their preparation in this area; to the teachers it happens in a similar way: they recognize the inadequate preparation, the need of updated literature to improve themselves and identify some of the potentialities of the study plan, although it does not include the training of the orientation competence for the management of family mental health. Both of them list the Health Situation Analysis as a methodological instrument of relevance for their work. This allows inferring that the training of the competency orientation for the management of family mental health in specialists in training is of great significance, but there are theoretical-methodological insufficiencies for its achievement.
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