Methodology for the design and development of agricultural machinery with a sustainable approach


  • José Antonio González Marrero D. in Agricultural Technical Sciences. Full Professor. Head of CTI Group. Professor of Agricultural Mechanization of the Agronomy career. University of Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Rolando Borrero Rivero Doctor in Pedagogical Sciences.Full Professor.Professor of the Center for Management Studies (CEDIT).


design, agricultural machinery, environment, sustainability


The article explains a methodology for the design and development of agricultural machinery under the principles of appropriate technologies and sustainable approach, which considers in the design technical, technological, economic, environmental and socio-cultural conditions of the region where the equipment will be used and that it will be sustainable over time. The theoretical and practical aspects of each phase, stage or step of the elaborated methodology are developed, which are fundamental for its implementation. It is based on the logical combination of methodologies developed by international and national researchers, considers some basic principles of reengineering and concurrent design, as well as its own experience and that of other researchers and innovators. It also considers principles such as the systemic and participatory approach of all the actors involved in the process, group work methods, problem-solving techniques, multidisciplinary group work and agroecology.


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How to Cite

González Marrero, J. A., & Borrero Rivero, R. (2023). Methodology for the design and development of agricultural machinery with a sustainable approach. Opuntia Brava, 15(4), 115–129. Retrieved from




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