Pharmacovigilance study in the municipality of Las Tunas in 2020
adverse reactions, Primary Health Care.Abstract
Adverse drug reactions are an important problem that attracts the attention of professionals, organizations, administrations and health authorities, and this is relevant in Primary Health Care. A descriptive observational study of transversal cut was developed in order to characterize the adverse reactions produced in the Primary Health Care in the municipality of Las Tunas in 2020, the universe was constituted by 623 reports of the municipality and the sample by the 532 of the Primary Health Care. The medical profile of the notifier, the "Guillermo Tejas Silva" polyclinic, the female sex and the age group of 19 to 60 years predominated, in addition there were more reports of mild, frequent and probable reactions. The most reported pharmacological group was vaccines, including HEBERPENTA, and the most reported organ system was the central nervous system with headache as the main adverse reaction.
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