Latin american and caribbean integration in Fidel Castro's oratory


  • Juan Idalberto Ricardo Botello D. in Economic Sciences. Master in Regional Development from the University of Camagüey. Professor at the University of Las Tunas, Cuba.


oratory, Fidel Castro, Latin American integration


The work presented here presents a current issue in the struggle for Latin American and Caribbean unity. The author's considerations are based on the study of the speeches made by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro in different meetings held in Cuba and other countries, where the speaker, following Marti's example and that of other heroes of the continent, used his words to defend the integration of the countries of the region as a necessary and viable option to solve the problems that afflicted the continent, promoting unity in the area on the basis of equal treatment and mutually advantageous cooperation between countries, in a context of the rise of neoliberalism, the globalization of the economy where individualist and postmodernist tendencies proliferated, preaching the formation of a single way of thinking in the face of the "end of history". We conclude on the validity of these ideas and their validity for current and future development.


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How to Cite

Ricardo Botello, J. I. (2021). Latin american and caribbean integration in Fidel Castro’s oratory. Opuntia Brava, 13(Especial 1), 212–222. Retrieved from


