The citizen identity value in the students of the Basic Secondary Education from the subjects of natural sciences



Formation, values, identity and citizen.


The inadequacies with the formation of values of citizen behavior such as citizen identity, civic responsibility and citizen participation in the pedagogical process of students in Basic Secondary Education led to consider the need to design a system of civic-natural actions that would contribute to improve the process of formation of citizen identity value from the subjects of Natural Sciences knowing that space and importance given to this value from educational projects and with an ecological approach, where the subjects of the Natural Sciences intervene are still insufficient, due to the fact that the academic is prioritized to the detriment of the educational. Using methods of investigation of the theoretical level and complemented with those of the empirical level the antecedents and the theoretical foundations were determined, the initial state of the problem was diagnosed and the proposal of civic-natural actions was designed, characterized by its character of system, the integration of the instructive and the educational, the protagonism of the students under the direction of the guide and of the socializing agents of the pedagogical process with the purpose of developing a set of qualities, experience of its social and natural environment as bearer of duties and rights as citizen. The application of these actions in Basic Secondary Education contributed to the formation of the citizen identity value in the students, prepared them to assume a responsibility and citizen participation from the natural and propitiated the apprehension of knowledge from the subjects of the Natural Sciences.


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Author Biography

Armando Fernández Sera, Master in Education Sciences, Assistant Professor, Municipal Directorate of Education, Amancio, Las Tunas, Cuba.

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How to Cite

Fernández Sera, A., Acebo Rivera, M., & León Acebo, M. (2019). The citizen identity value in the students of the Basic Secondary Education from the subjects of natural sciences. Opuntia Brava, 11(Especial 2), 1–15. Retrieved from




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