Computer networks as a social problem of science and technology in the university community.


  • Annalie González Rodríguez Computer Science Engineer. Instructor Professor of Computer Science. Department of Computer Science. University of Las Tunas. Las Tunas. Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • Osmany Nieves Torres Master's Degree in New Technologies in the Service of Education. Degree in Mathematics-Computer Science. Assistant Professor. Computer Science Department. Academic Director of the University Academic Publishing House (Edacun). University of Las Tunas. Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • Elsa del Carmen Gutierrez Báez Dr. C. Pedagogy. Master in Educational Informatics. Degree in Mathematics-Physics and Computer Science. Full Professor. Informatics of the electronic magazine Opuntia Brava. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.


computer networks, Information and Telecommunication Technology, ICT, virtual education, virtual education.


Information and Communication Technologies have had an impact on society as a whole, with a speed and scope that was not thought possible at the beginning of their development. In particular, computer networks provide cooperative work in joint projects, making it easier for professors and students to access any information from all over the world. However, their use in universities is a social problem closely related to science and technology, as there are limitations in the efficient access to computer networks. This article provides an assessment of how to make adequate use of the resources available. It also offers the possibilities and challenges for the university to solve the problem posed, in order to guarantee access to information and achieve higher education through a contextualized teaching-educational process with a more active participation of students. Methods such as analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction and document review technique were used to offer the essential ideas.


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How to Cite

González Rodríguez, A., Nieves Torres, O., & Gutierrez Báez, E. del C. (2022). Computer networks as a social problem of science and technology in the university community. Opuntia Brava, 14(4), 268–275. Retrieved from




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