Educational influence of the Masonic Logies to las tunas society during the Neocolonial Republic


  • Milena Medina Pérez Master in History and Culture in Cuba. Degree in Sociocultural Studies. Assistant Professor of the Sociocultural Studies Department of the University of Las Tunas. Cuba.
  • José Guillermo Montero Quesada Doctor in Historical Sciences. Master's Degree in Educational Sciences, Master's Degree in Community Cultural Development. Bachelor of History and Social Sciences. Bachelor in Sociocultural Studies. Full Professor of the Center for Pedagogical Studies of the University of Las Tunas. Cuba.


Local history, Masonic lodges, intramasonic education, culture.


The article deals with the intramasonic education and the one promoted by these institutions in the social sphere during the neocolonial Republic (1902-1958) in Las Tunas, motivated by the insufficient treatment of the educational contribution of the masonic lodges to the society of Las Tunas during this period , which limits the integral comprehension of this legacy; for this reason, it is determined as a general objective of the same the valuation of the intramasonic educational influence and in the public sphere of the masonic lodges of Las Tunas in the neocolony. For its understanding, it starts from the historical antecedents of Freemasonry in this locality in colonial times; likewise, a brief historical overview is made of those that have arisen in the Republic.


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How to Cite

Medina Pérez, M., & Montero Quesada, J. G. (2018). Educational influence of the Masonic Logies to las tunas society during the Neocolonial Republic. Opuntia Brava, 10(3), 85–96. Retrieved from


