Teaching-learning of social sciences: ends and means for university education.
teaching, learning, social sciences, university educationAbstract
The social sciences as sciences of men in time and disciplines in constant construction and theoretical elaboration, do not represent definitive knowledge, they become articulators of diverse elements of historical, philosophical, economic, socio-political, cultural knowledge, without hyperbolizing any, centered on the totality from a close dialectical connection. The objective of this article is to theoretically substantiate the potentialities of the teaching-learning of the social sciences as ends and means for the education of the student in the university context. In the research process, theoretical methods such as: analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive and historical-logical were used to study in depth the available information and select it in a pertinent manner to arrive at the results. The empirical methods include documentary analysis, for the search of information published in academic databases. The social sciences are ends insofar as they systematize knowledge about society in its different determinations, preserve historical memory to act in different domains of social life, and means insofar as they facilitate the continuation of this study through reflection, research, problem solving, as well as the critical and creative evaluation of information, essential aspects for education.
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