The process of teaching learning of the calculation with fraction numbers in the Primary School education


  • Rodolfo González González Master in Education. Assistant Professor Professor of the Department of Primary Education. University of Granma Cuba.
  • Pedro Ángel López Tamayo Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Master in Applied Computing. Associate Professor. Professor and programmer of the Software Production Department. University of Granma Cuba.
  • Guillermo Bello Rodríguez Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Associate Professor. Professor of the Department of Mathematics. University of Granma Cuba.


Numerical calculation, fractional numbers, ability of calculation.


They offer the results obtained by the authors to the calculation with fractional numbers in the process of teaching learning of the Mathematics in the Primary Education. They use different scientific methods such like: Analysis, synthesis, documentary analysis, interviews, observation and pedagogic proof. You make a summary of the principal insufficiencies detected in the process of teaching learning of the calculation with fractional numbers and some suggestions offer themselves methodological that teachers can utilize to solve them. Also you go into theoretic aspects and methodologist of the work with the abilities of calculation and the achievement of a most active learning, reflexive, designer and of quality.


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Author Biography

Rodolfo González González, Master in Education. Assistant Professor Professor of the Department of Primary Education. University of Granma Cuba.


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Martínez, L. E. (2015). Metodología de la enseñanza de la Matemática para las escuelas pedagógicas. La Habana: Pueblo y Educación.

Pozo, M. y Villavicencio, I. (2016). Software educativo “Aprende a multiplicar”. Opuntia Brava, 4(1). Recuperado de

Rico Montero, P. y otros.  (2013). Proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje desarrollador en la escuela primaria. Teoría y práctica. La Habana: Pueblo y Educación.



How to Cite

González González, R., López Tamayo, P. Ángel, & Bello Rodríguez, G. (2019). The process of teaching learning of the calculation with fraction numbers in the Primary School education. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 83–93. Retrieved from


