The contextualization of local history content related to art in sociocultural management for development
cultural history, cuban culture, artAbstract
The article is the result of the author's experience, of several years of work linked to the Bachelor's Degree in Sociocultural Management for Development, as well as of a master's research, which had as its objective the elaboration of didactic activities to contextualize the contents of Local History related to art, in students of the University of Las Tunas. From the application of methods and techniques of empirical theoretical level such as observation, survey and interview, review of documents, it is evidenced the insufficient theoretical approach in the didactic treatment of the contents of Local History related to art, which limit it only to the historical content. Therefore, the teaching-learning process of the subject Cuban Culture I was modeled, which implies the acquisition of knowledge, skills and values in the second year students of this career, related to the historical-cultural events of the territory.
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