Training of educational managers in organizational climate. A study in elementary schools



organisational climate, educational management, preparation of managers


Basic Secondary Education in Cuba is a level of education which aims to achieve the development of the personality and the integral formation of each student. This level provides for the expansion and systematisation of the contents of the educational process, in accordance with the patriotic, civic and humanist ideals of Cuban society. The article shows an analysis of the inadequacies present in the management of Basic Secondary Schools in the municipality of Majibacoa, in terms of their preparation with respect to the organisational climate. Triangulated methods were used in the research, such as observation and conversations held with specialists, workers and civil servants, as well as a review of diagnoses.In these institutions, it was found that managers lack strategic thinking, use authoritarian and normative methods, do not exercise democratic leadership, and do not seek solutions under the guidance of specialists. Despite the fact that these managers have experience in the position they occupy, their lack of preparation has an impact on their ability to make good decisions based on concrete situations and objective conditions in their educational management. The above characteristics represent factors that converge to configure the organisational climate of these institutions.


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How to Cite

González Téllez, M., Rodríguez Sala, R., & Parra Rodríguez, J. F. (2024). Training of educational managers in organizational climate. A study in elementary schools. Opuntia Brava, 16(2), 240–252. Retrieved from



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