Theoretical framework supporting the pedagogical conception of formative assessment
formative evaluation, educational teaching process, medical education, social development.Abstract
Formative evaluation is intimately related to the teaching-educational process and the formation of the students' personality, which is why it constitutes a didactic-methodological tool of great importance. In this sense, the objective of the research from which this article emerges is the characterization of the conceptual elements that sustain the pedagogical function of formative evaluation as a developmental way for the students of the School of Nursing and Health Technology. A descriptive research of longitudinal cut and prospective data collection was carried out with the participation of a total of 45 teachers of that faculty, in Santiago de Cuba, in the period from September 2018 to July 2019, where different methods of the theoretical level were used: historical-logical, documentary analysis, systemic-structural-functional, analysis-synthesis, systematization and as an empirical method observation was used. The theoretical needs of teachers and the main characteristics in the pedagogical order, on which the conception of formative evaluation is based, were identified. It is concluded that in the theoretical conceptualization of formative evaluation, the fact that it is a complex and cultural process with a socio-historical and philosophical basis, which is dialectical and developmental, stands out. According to the formative and social objectives, formative evaluation is the didactic mediator between teaching and development in the personality of students by expanding intellectual capacities, institutional and axiological commitments in professionals to contribute to social development.
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