Conception of genetic content in the formation of the General Practitioner


  • Nora María Orive Rodríguez, Cita Doctor in medicine. Clinical Genetics Specialist. Assistant Professor Head of the Department of Medical Genetics. Pediatric Hospital "Mártires de Las Tunas". Las Tunas Cuba.
  • Betsabé Mairi Bauza Barreda Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences. Titular teacher. Head of the Biology Department. Las Tunas University. Las Tunas Cuba.


Content, genetics, teaching, learning.


In the present article, through the empirical level methods such as historical-logical, systemic-structural, analysis and synthesis and documentary analysis, theoretical nuclei are presented and their foundation for the direction of a teaching-learning process aimed at achieving the significance of the genetic contents This is based on the fact that the contents of Medical Genetics are aimed at the interests of the professional profile of the graduate by providing the general and indispensable basic knowledge for the understanding of actions related to the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention of genetic diseases and congenital defects To be used in the solution of some of the professional problems to be solved by the student, it is necessary to consider their integrative and application nature, depending on their treatment in the teaching-learning process.


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Author Biography

Nora María Orive Rodríguez, Cita, Doctor in medicine. Clinical Genetics Specialist. Assistant Professor Head of the Department of Medical Genetics. Pediatric Hospital "Mártires de Las Tunas". Las Tunas Cuba.


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How to Cite

Orive Rodríguez, N. M., & Bauza Barreda, B. M. (2019). Conception of genetic content in the formation of the General Practitioner. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 168–182. Retrieved from


