Theoretical-methodological conception of the preparation of school directors for the direction of interdisciplinary methodological work


  • Raúl Herrera García Master of Science in Education and Bachelor of Education, Mathematics-Computing Specialty. Assistant Professor at the University of Las Tunas, Cuba.
  • Pedro Valiente Sandó Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Bachelor of Education, History Specialty. Head of the Institutional Research Project "Training of the School Director", of the province of Holguín. He is the president of the Tribunal in Pedagogical Sciences for aspiring Doctors of Science. Professor Holguin University, Cuba
  • Marcos Antonio Grave de Peralta Ruiz PhD in Pedagogical Sciences and Bachelor of Education, Specialty Marxism-Leninism and History. Full Professor of the University of Las Tunas, Cuba.


Theoretical-methodological conception, preparation of school directors, interdisciplinary methodological work


The article socializes the results obtained in a doctoral research that is developed from the University of Las Tunas, to perfect the functions of the municipal secondary school teams. The proposal offers a theoretical-methodological conception of the pedagogical process of the preparation of the school directors to conduct the interdisciplinary methodological work. This is designed through a system of ideas, expressed as foundations, guidelines, guidelines, and conceptual definitions, organized into components and subcomponents. The conception expresses its suitability to explain, in a precise and accurate manner, the aforementioned pedagogical process, based on the coherence of its structure, the consistency of the content and the adequacy with which it reveals the characteristics of a system. The exposed results have been endorsed by socialization workshops with managers and officials and consultation with experts in the field.


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How to Cite

Herrera García, R., Valiente Sandó, P., & Grave de Peralta Ruiz, M. A. (2018). Theoretical-methodological conception of the preparation of school directors for the direction of interdisciplinary methodological work. Opuntia Brava, 10(4), 185–200. Retrieved from


