Challenges of vocational training for sustainable development



Professional training, sustainable development, environmental education.


A systematization of experiences is presented that makes it possible to connote professional training from the role of the university as a social institution in charge of preserving and developing culture in correspondence with the demands of these times. All this with the purpose of creating a system whose modes of action are in correspondence with the characteristics and development of the society in which it will perform its functions as a citizen responsible for the qualitatively superior transformations that will occur to give a relevant response to reality and the demands of the social, scientific, cultural, political scenario, both local and worldwide. Vocational training takes environmental problems as a basic element as a reality on a global, regional and local scale, it is a magnificent opportunity for Higher Education Institutions to be linked as a force, in their solution, of the introduction of Environmental education in the development of its basic functions: teaching, scientific research and university extension.


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Author Biography

Santos Alcibiades Alava Macias, Doctor in Chemistry and Pharmacy. Master in Environmental Management. Lay University Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Alava Macias, S. A., Pico Macias, J., & Azua Alvia, J. A. (2019). Challenges of vocational training for sustainable development. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 393–403. Retrieved from




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