The economic diameter and its last use for an aspersion irrigation system



Economic diameter; Irrigation systems


This article describes the optimization methodology through a series of simple calculations, which can be applied for all possible situations. Our goal is to provide the basic tools for future agronomy professionals to have with respect to the design of spray irrigation systems. It is one of the irrigation methods that were used for millennia was the application of water to plants with a manual shower. Clearly, this could only be applied on a small scale, so furrow irrigation prevailed. Spray irrigation began three centuries ago when the steam-powered hydraulic pump was invented and then by electric motors. In that sense, nowadays it is the most widespread method.


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Author Biography

Marlon Victor Hugo Pazos Roldan, Professor at the Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Pazos Roldan, M. V. H., Gutiérrez Mora, X. A., & Díaz Romero, O. S. (2019). The economic diameter and its last use for an aspersion irrigation system. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 332–338. Retrieved from




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