B-learning and the quality of postgraduate education at the Uniandes University of Ambato-Ecuador



Education, Technologies, Quality, Virtual Classroom


Permanent Education is an alternative response to integrate initial and ongoing training. In this regard, postgraduate improvement for the teacher must respond to social demands and individual needs. These requirements and needs guide the apprehension of updated knowledge and the improvement of skills and values ​​to fulfill the professional tasks of the pedagogical activity. Hence, these demands demand teachers capable of taking on any challenge, however complex. In this sense, information and communications technologies stand out with emphasis on virtual classrooms for their effectiveness and efficiency. Therefore, this article aims to incorporate virtual classrooms, as a fundamental element for the elevation of educational quality.


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Author Biography

Fredy Maximiliano Jordán Cordonez, Master in Business Informatics. Babahoyo Technical University. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Jordán Cordonez, F. M., Gil Avilez, R. A., & Riquero Castro, H. D. (2019). B-learning and the quality of postgraduate education at the Uniandes University of Ambato-Ecuador. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 259–267. Retrieved from https://opuntiabrava.ult.edu.cu/index.php/opuntiabrava/article/view/870


