The socio-cultural dimension in the educational work of the Residence Hall of the University of Las Tunas.



student residence, educational work, socio-cultural dimension, socio-cultural needs and quality of life


The improvement of the training process in Cuban Higher Education is a necessity today. In this sense, the educational work is considered a priority from the sociocultural dimension, a process that is aimed at achieving the formation of knowledge, habits, customs, values and attitudes. In terms of improving coexistence, interpersonal relationships, sociocultural development and raising the quality of life through psycho-pedagogical guidance and the coordinated and integrated action of all sociocultural managers involved in the personalized attention of the scholarship student. The application of methods, techniques and procedures during the research allowed the elaboration of a sociocultural diagnosis where characterization, identification of needs and the most sensitive problems of the scholarship holders of the Student Residence of the University of Las Tunas are proposed. Based on this diagnosis, actions were designed that contribute to promote healthy habits and behaviors in the scholarship holders' community, as well as to improve their quality of life.


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How to Cite

Peña Leyva, Y., & Ávila Rodríguez, Y. (2023). The socio-cultural dimension in the educational work of the Residence Hall of the University of Las Tunas. Opuntia Brava, 15(3), 339–348. Retrieved from


