Analysis of U.S.-Mexico border governance from a national security perspective



border governance, National security, USA, Mexico


From ancient times to the present, border security has played a vital role in national security, because the border is the boundary of a country, connected to the two countries and also blocked to the two countries. The United States and Mexico have a border of more than three thousand kilometers, and the problems they face are also endless, such as drugs, illegal migrations and border industrialization in Mexico, which has also seriously affected both border and national security of the two countries. They both have adopted many policies for border control, but there is not much effect, so these problems have coexisted until now. This paper analyzes the main border problems between the U.S. and Mexico with the motive of finding their effects on national security, studying their histories, characteristics and trends to seek better solutions.


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How to Cite

Li, L., & Wang, Y. (2023). Analysis of U.S.-Mexico border governance from a national security perspective. Opuntia Brava, 15(2), 100–112. Retrieved from


