Educational management model in the Ecuador, strengths and weaknesses



educational management, strengths, weaknesses.


This article is derived from a thorough study of the legal statutes governing educational management in Ecuador. The application of ethical principles and attention to vulnerability that must be prioritized as greater equity and social justice, the development of human talent capacities and productive capacities, major infrastructure projects for the development in terms of health, education, roadlife, electricity generation, and services with wide coverage at the national level, among others. However, the Plan highlights the new challenges to be overcome in three main axes: rights for all throughout life, economy at the service of society, and social and state capacities to strengthen the social fabric and the existence of a democratic state for the common good. Strengths were valued and there is a way to maintain an inclusive economy that changes its relative composition for the change of productive matrix and generates high added value, along with fostering a society with values based on solidarity and co-responsibility.


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Author Biography

Freddy Antonio Romero Jácome, Magister Professor at the Technical University of Babahoyo. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Romero Jácome, F. A., Marín Zambrano, M. C., & Romero Jácome, V. A. (2019). Educational management model in the Ecuador, strengths and weaknesses. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 339–348. Retrieved from




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