Exploratory study on the use of suggestion in the communication teacher-student in the university classroom
Suggestion, communication, teacher, learning, university.Abstract
The excessive use of persuasion in interpersonal communication in the university classroom has caused a formative impact that is not always positive, reflected in a depersonalization of knowledge. The student does not always personally configure the knowledge in the professional formation causing the forgetfulness, that is, a lot of content is imparted but there is a lack of how that content is applied. Given this problem is an exploratory study on the use of suggestion in teacher-student communication, since not all interventions and oral influences are supported by rational arguments, there are statements that lack it and have a positive impact. Teachers are constantly combining the resources of persuasion and suggestion in the achievement of their formative work, since not all their interventions and oral influences are supported by rational arguments, there are affirmations that lack them and have a positive impact on students for its authority, prestige and the role it fulfills as a teacher, although it would be necessary to question whether they do it in an intuitive or planned way and if they promote the desired educational effect.