Human values and their impact on the quality of university student


  • Mariana Angelita Dicado Alban Professor of the Hospitality and Tourism Career at the Faculty of Social and Educational Sciences of the Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Cumandá Fanny Campi Cevallos Bilingual executive secretariat, Faculty of Social Legal Sciences and Education Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador
  • Ángela Secundina Saa Morales Professor of the Career of Initial Education of the Faculty of Social Legal Sciences and of the Education, of the Technical University of Babahoyo, Ecuador


human values, comprehensive training, personality


Referred to as human values to the set of virtues that possesses a person or organization, that determine the behavior and interaction with other individuals and the space. Human values include all those actions that are considered as correct, so they are also related to moral values, which are those that regulate the conduct of individuals. Moral values correspond with ethical values and societal values that, together, constitute the rules to achieve a healthy coexistence in society. Human values are important for their contribution to improve the society and bring dignity to the person. Due to the inescapable importance of values in general in the integral formation of the personality of the individual and its impact on the quality of university graduates, the authors of this work we have directed our attention in this article to the human values in specific.


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How to Cite

Dicado Alban, M. A., Campi Cevallos, C. F., & Saa Morales, Ángela S. (2019). Human values and their impact on the quality of university student. Opuntia Brava, 11(3), 247–255. Retrieved from




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