Models to determine important variables in the caron process. Part I: specific energy consumption in milling



Statistical model, Bond work index, Caron process.


The research shows the results obtained by using a quadratic statistical model to predict the specific milling consumption as a function of the increase in the percentage of bituminous coal, in the range of 3.5 to 5.5, in a mixture formed by coal and laterite ore. The quadratic model was determined from the options provided by using the mixture experiment designs of the STATGRAPHICS Centurion XV professional statistical software, which has an adjusted correlation coefficient greater than 90%, a residual that ranged from -1.2 to 1.2 and a standard error of 0.9122%.


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How to Cite

Angulo Palma, H. J., Legrá Legrá, A., & Hernández-Pedrera, C. (2021). Models to determine important variables in the caron process. Part I: specific energy consumption in milling. Opuntia Brava, 13(3), 149–157. Retrieved from


