Treatment to the updating of the Cuban model from the subject Sociopolitical Theory


  • Fernando Aguilera Estrada Master's Degree in Communication Sciences. B.A. in History from Universidad de Oriente. Assistant Professor. University of Las Tunas. Cuba.


updating of the Cuban model, PCC documents, Sociopolitical Theory.


The academic treatment of the updating of the Cuban model in the subject Sociopolitical Theory, based on the documents of the VII Congress of the PCC and its I Conference, offers diverse possibilities of analysis and discussions due to the complexity of its variables and the majority social interest. For an accurate study and discussion of this topic, it is necessary to identify the common denominators present in each stage of formation of the Cuban political system and to establish a new period from 2008 to the present, to visualize the particularities of this last stage linked to the continuity of the process. Emphasis is placed on determining the principles and objectives enunciated in the documents of the Communist Party of Cuba associated to the political practices and the Cuban economic and social reality. This exercise contributes to contrast from a critical approach what is wanted with what is achieved and to focus the analysis on the most essential aspects to be studied. It is necessary in the academic activity to focus on the aspects that should be updated in greater depth and speed in the Cuban Model, not only in the economic but also in the socio-political aspects and the effectiveness of how to achieve it. It is necessary to promote the construction of a well-founded criterion and the integrality of the analysis that facilitates a balanced and objective expression and evaluation of the subject to be studied.


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Castro, R. (2016). Informe Central al 7mo. Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba. La Habana: Versiones Taquigráficas-Consejo de Estado.

Constitución de la República de Cuba (2019). La Habana: Editora Política.

Díaz-Canel, M. (2018). Entrevista a Telesur. Recuperado de

PCC (2011). Lineamientos de la política económica y social del partido y la Revolución. Recuperado de

PCC (2016a). Conceptualización del modelo económico y social cubano de desarrollo socialista. Recuperado de

PCC (2016b). Plan nacional de desarrollo económico y social hasta 2030. Recuperado de

PCC (2016c). Actualización de los Lineamientos del Partido y la Revolución para el período 2016-2021. Recuperado de

PCC (2017). Documentos del 7mo Congreso del Partido aprobados por el III Pleno del Comité Central del PCC el 18 de mayo de 2017 y respaldados por la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular el 1 de junio de 2017. Villa Clara: UEB gráfica Villa Clara.



How to Cite

Aguilera Estrada, F. (2021). Treatment to the updating of the Cuban model from the subject Sociopolitical Theory. Opuntia Brava, 13(Especial 1), 138–145. Retrieved from


