Internet social networks in the Law career, University of Las Tunas, Cuba



social networks, law, teaching-learning, learning styles, digital environment.


This article comes from a research conducted with the purpose of determining the main basic elements of the contextualization of social networks in the Law career, from an educational perspective. The work addresses general elements about social networks in the educational field, the most representative characteristics and the interaction between people and their digital environments, which is necessarily framed within a social context, so that the "products" of this interaction between person and environment (including the person and the environment) must be considered as "psycho-socio-digital" products. All this is linked to the educational challenges of the Law career at the University of Las Tunas.


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How to Cite

Serrano Morales, C. R., & Silva del Rosario, Y. (2021). Internet social networks in the Law career, University of Las Tunas, Cuba. Opuntia Brava, 13(3), 241–250. Retrieved from


