Smoking prevention in high school students
smoking, teaching, preventive workAbstract
This article gathers the results of a research carried out by the authors, who assume the need for preventive work related to addictions, and in particular, smoking among adolescents in elementary school. The application of empirical methods such as survey, interview and observation allowed identifying the predominance of smoking among students of "Manuel Fajardo Rivero" Basic Secondary School, given the high level of misinformation of students on the damages caused by this bad habit to human health, in addition to the waste of the potentialities offered by the teaching-learning process of different subjects in order to stimulate an education for health based on an adequate health and sustainable environmental education. The article aims to systematize theoretically the main theoretical-methodological conceptions, associated to the topic of smoking prevention in Basic Secondary School students, taking into account the results of the diagnosis, with emphasis on the teaching-learning process of Biology. The results obtained have theoretical and practical importance, since, from the theoretical point of view, it offers a systematization about Anti-tobacco Education from Health Education, linked to sustainable development. From the practical point of view, a system of requirements for the elaboration of twelve tasks is offered.
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