The culmination of studies of the Sociocultural Management for Development career: experience at the University of Guantánamo


  • Yousy Baby Ramírez Master's Degree in Educational Sciences. Degree in Sociocultural Studies.Assistant Professor.Head of the Department of Sociocultural Management of the Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences of the University of Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Yisell Isalgué Reyes Degree in Sociocultural Studies.Assistant Professor and Head of the Integrating Main Discipline of the Sociocultural Management career of the Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences of the University of Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Geisa del Carmen García Navarro Bachelor's Degree in Art History.Assistant Professor and Head of the Sociocultural Management career of the Faculty of Social and Humanistic Sciences of the University of Guantánamo, Cuba.


completion of studies, higher education, study modalities, blended learning, evaluation variants


This article focuses the study on the exercise of completion of studies in the Sociocultural Management for Development course in blended learning. This topic of evaluation in the Encounter Course (CPE) and Distance Course (CaD) is of special interest given the characteristics of these study modalities. Its objective is to design specificities for the culmination exercise of the course of study of Sociocultural Management for Development in blended learning. The research used theoretical and empirical methods and techniques (analysis-synthesis, surveys, interviews and observation) to process the results and assess the opinion of the selected specialists. The specificities for the exercise of completion of study of the Sociocultural Management for Development career in blended learning propose evaluation variants recognized in Resolution 47/22, the diploma work, state exam, portfolio or project exams.


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How to Cite

Baby Ramírez, Y., Isalgué Reyes, Y., & García Navarro, G. del C. (2023). The culmination of studies of the Sociocultural Management for Development career: experience at the University of Guantánamo. Opuntia Brava, 15(4), 22–32. Retrieved from




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