Energy and gender: experiences of the project Renewable Sources of Local Energy in the communities of Los Alazanes and Yaguá in Sancti Spíritus


  • Dianela Álvarez Cañizarez B.A. in Sociocultural Studies. Professor Instructor. University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" (UNISS). Cuba.
  • Rosabell Pérez Gutiérrez Dr. C. in Sustainable Human Development.B.A. in Sociocultural Studies.Assistant Professor.University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" (UNISS). Cuba
  • Ivania García Viamontes Master of Science in Higher Education. B.A. in Education.Specialty Spanish-Literature.Assistant Professor.University of Sancti Spíritus "José Martí Pérez" (UNISS). CUM "Simón Bolívar" of Yaguajay. Cuba.


local development, gender equity, renewable energy sources.


The development of renewable energies is a reality and a bet for the future. For Cuba, the increase and use of renewable energies constitute an energy policy guideline with important results and impacts in rural communities with difficult access. In this sense, this article is oriented to describe the experience of the project Renewable Energy Sources as Support to Local Development (FRE local) in the promotion of gender equity in the access and use of renewable energy in the rural communities of Los Alazanes and Yaguá in the municipality of Sancti Spíritus. The study is descriptive and is based on qualitative methodology. Thus, in order to obtain the results, methods and techniques such as participant observation, in-depth interview, semi-structured interview, survey and participatory techniques based on the principles of popular education are used. The results obtained from the diagnosis as the first moment of the intervention allow recovering and socializing the lessons learned in terms of the change of the energy matrix in the territory of Espiritu with gender equity.


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How to Cite

Álvarez Cañizarez, D., Pérez Gutiérrez, R., & García Viamontes, I. (2023). Energy and gender: experiences of the project Renewable Sources of Local Energy in the communities of Los Alazanes and Yaguá in Sancti Spíritus. Opuntia Brava, 15(3), 11–28. Retrieved from


