The university in function of Local Development: strategic actions from the Polytechnical Institute of Huambo



University, Higher Education, Local Development, Substantive Processes, Sustainable Development.


The possibilities of Local Development are rooted in the viability of using the potential of endogenous and exogenous resources in a given territorial space. The agents of change that should be in charge of promoting this process are both public and private, and the university should have a leadership role to harmonize and streamline the fulfillment of this purpose. Faced with an Angolan national reality and particularly in the province of Huambo, where areas of high marginalization and poverty are located, it is pertinent to take strategic actions that allow improving the participation of the university as a dynamic agent of local development through the integration of substantive processes (Academic, Labor, Investigative and Extensionist) as a means to strengthen its dynamics. On this basis, the proposed strategic actions take into account the characterization of the Huambo province and its endogenous potentialities to favor sustainable development with the application of scientific knowledge provided by the high house of studies.


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How to Cite

Delfino Ferreira, A., Jiménez Rivera, Y., & Silva Espalter, M. (2021). The university in function of Local Development: strategic actions from the Polytechnical Institute of Huambo. Opuntia Brava, 13(2), 145–157. Retrieved from


