Occupational risk in the production workshops of the company Acinox-Tunas. An analysis from the sociology of work
occupational accident, occupational hazard, working conditions, unsafe acts.Abstract
The main activity of the company Acinox-Tunas has been the production of carbon steel billets and bars, the risks to which its workers are subjected are high, since they work in an aggressive environment due to the specific nature of their work. This results in a high accident rate in the production workshops that comprise it. The aim of this article is to study in depth the main socio-labor factors that have an impact on the occupational risk in the production workshops of this company. The purpose is to reduce the accident rate that characterizes the company, to improve the conditions of the working environment and, not least, to know the complicity of the workers in this social reality. For the development of this study, empirical and theoretical methods and techniques were used to obtain information. Based on the analysis of the results obtained, an action plan is proposed to contribute to the gradual reduction of the accident rate in the company.
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