Study habits and academic performance in Business Administration students of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Santo Domingo campus
Study habits, academic performance, business administration, statistical analysis, Pearson's coefficient.Abstract
The objective of this article is to determine the level of correlation between study habits and academic performance of students of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Santo Domingo campus. For this purpose, the methodological structure was based on the quantitative paradigm, with a descriptive-correlational scope and a non-experimental design. The data involved in the study were obtained, for the first variable, through the application of the Hilbert Wrenn Study Habits Inventory to 108 students selected through stratified random sampling and, in the case of the second variable, the grade history of the last academic period was used. Regarding the statistical analysis, the parametric test known as Pearson's coefficient was used, which reflected a low positive correlation of 0.229. This indicates that poor study habits are associated with 48% of students passing with minimal grades, although future research should control for variables subject to change, such as teacher variability or modifications in the teaching of content.
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