Labor motivation as a tool to elevate productivity in the Banana Companies of the province of the Rios



Motivation, labor, satisfaction, productivity


The research that essentially supported the writing of the content of the article, started from the need to look for psychosocial alternatives aimed at raising the motivation of the workers. To solve the situation described above, methods of the theoretical and empirical level of scientific research were used, with which the required information was collected and analyzed. Among the main findings found in the course of the investigation is a diagnosis of the levels of satisfaction and productivity of the banana producers studied, as well as a system of actions, based on the results achieved through the planned techniques. Arriving at the conclusion that an optimal motivation in the group of workers studied towards the fundamental labor activity raises the levels of productivity and therefore profitability of the haciendas specialized in banana production.


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Author Biography

José María Nivela Icaza, Doctor (PhD) in Administrative Sciences. Babahoyo Technical University. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Nivela Icaza, J. M., Garofalo Velasco, D. A., & Díaz Chong, E. de J. (2019). Labor motivation as a tool to elevate productivity in the Banana Companies of the province of the Rios. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 318–331. Retrieved from


