Quality in customer service: success factor of companies



Service, customer, attention, quality, company


This article has as main objective to analyze customer service, as a factor of business success. The changes that have been taking place worldwide for some time, such as the globalization of the economy, the trend towards increased competition by companies and the search for organizational excellence, have not left aside training and more specifically to the education offered at universities. In the future, these trends will accentuate and set up new focus of attention based on customer service. Keywords: Service, customer, attention, quality, company. The customer service, at present, is of great importance due to the direction that the market has given to the commercialization of the services and the importance that said service has as an important element in the differentiation of the companies, that is, the service The customer becomes the basis of the survival of organizations in the market due to competition and the existence of increasingly better informed customers, these are two key factors that contribute to this awareness.


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Author Biography

Franklin Rafael Morales Reyna, MAE Professor of the Babahoyo Technical University. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Morales Reyna, F. R., Terranova Borja, G. F., & Sandoya Mayorga, L. (2019). Quality in customer service: success factor of companies. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 268–278. Retrieved from https://opuntiabrava.ult.edu.cu/index.php/opuntiabrava/article/view/871




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