Use of cytology to diagnostic tumor venereal transmissible in canines



Transmitted venereal tumor, plasmositoid, lymphositoid.


The Transmissible Venreal Tumor (TVT) is a tumor found especially in canines and its appearance can be from a small 5mm module to a mass of 10cm or greater. The objectives of this research was to characterize the presence of TVT in dogs. Samples were taken in patients treated at the Moran Veterinary Clinic. The location of these tumors was the genitals, the most common signs were the obsessive pus and bleeding in all cases. Cell patterns of TVT were found among which we have the lymphositoid pattern, the plasmositoid cell pattern in less proportion the mixed cell pattern.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Adolfo Navarrete Suárez, Professor at the Technical University of Manabí. Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Navarrete Suárez, G. A., Tobar Vera, J. W., & Vásconez Montufar, F. del C. (2019). Use of cytology to diagnostic tumor venereal transmissible in canines. Opuntia Brava, 11(4), 218–232. Retrieved from


