The strategic talkative competition in the Military School Camilo Cienfuegos of Las Tunas
communication, talkative competitions, strategic talkative competition, formationAbstract
In the pre-university education like in the other ones, the integral formation of the students constitutes a medullary aspect. In this respect, to prepare them on the base of the development of the talkative competitions that they guarantee the domain and appropriate use of the maternal language, is defined like a task of first order for the educational ones. In such a sense, the necessity was pondered of developing the talkative competitions in the students of the Military School Camilo Cienfuegos, of Las Tunas, in function of the appropriate establishment of the communication student-student, student-professor and student-official. Therefore, the investigation had as objective to design shops for the development of the strategic talkative competition; also, it showed in a brief way a study on the development of the talkative competitions in these students, in their formation like official of the Revolutionary Armed Forces, for that which methods of the theoretical and empiric level were used that they contributed, in a general way, with the determination of the main outlined inadequacies, as well as with the systematizing, deepening, argument and interpretation of the obtained data, in function of obtaining an opportune solution to the problem. In turn, the proposed shops contributed with the development of the strategic talkative competition in the students of eleventh grade of the mentioned educational institution, that which propitiated the establishment of an appropriate communication among students, professors and official, as well as their integral formation.
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